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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

My pictures are too dark

I'm new to photography at the moment I'm doing a home study course. I understand that when using a large aperture you should use a low shutter speed, when I was out on a sunny day I was working on getting a nice view aimig to get a large depth of field, using some examples I found on a website I set the aperture at f22 and used a low shutter speed (i cant rem which one exactly) but when I pressed my DOF button the view came up dark, am I doing something wrong or does the photo came out differently? i'm still a bit confused on it all!

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March 16, 2004


Jon Close
  Your camera is working properly. When focusing normally the lens is aperture is opened to its widest aperture. When you press the shutter button, the mirror flips up, the aperture closes down to the desired setting, and the shutter opens. When you activate the DoF preview it closes the aperture down to the desired setting, but without flipping up the mirror or opening the shutter so that you can see in the viewfinder what the depth of field will be. Because the aperture is closed down, it lets in less light and the view is dim. You must let your eyes get accustomed then you'll clearly see the difference in the amount of the scene that appears to be in focus.

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March 16, 2004

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