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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Trevor Taylor

How To Fade a Photo

I have scanned a photo and want to print it out but I want to use it as a watermark - that's what Microsoft Publisher calls it. I mostly use Photoshop 7. I want to be able to print a letter over the top and have the photo just visable underneath, Thanks for your help.

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February 17, 2004


Merriam Massey
  Hi, Trevor. There may be another way to do this, but this is the way I would:
Using the rectangular marquee tool (top left in the tools window), select all of your image. Copy it (edit menu or Ctrl+V on a PC), open a new document (File>New>Ok) and paste it (ctrl+V). In the layers window (Window>layers) adjust the opacity to maybe 30 or 40 percent. You'll have to experiment with how it looks when it comes out of your printer, but that's how you can fade the image with Photoshop 7. Good luck!

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February 17, 2004


Sreedevi Kashi
  If you want to be able to have it for use on Microsoft Publisher, you should check what type of file you're saving it at. I think most Microsoft applications only recognize photos in bitmap form, and you may also have to index the color.

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February 24, 2004


Derek Holyhead
  Hi Trevor,
This how I do it, open your file in Photoshop create a new layer and fill it white then adjust the opacity until you get it as you like (about 60-70%) is normally OK. I hope this helps.

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February 24, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  I do this all the time for backgrounds in Excel Graphs, and MS Access reports. Knowing that you're going to put text over the image, you need a light image. I adjust down the contrast by 85-90% and adjust up the brightness by 85-95% - depending on the image. This works fine, and keeps the image from detracting for the printed material....


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March 13, 2004

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