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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to get enough light with fast shutter settings

We just purchased fuji s7000. I would consider myself a beginner, novice trying to get action shots of the kids sports without the blurry images i'm ending up with!!!! I've experimented indoors with flash on and shutter set at 1/1000 I can freeze a ceiling fan on high setting, but when at the kids basketball games those fast shutter settings give me very dark images!!! When we slow the shutter speed down to get enough light the images are blurred!!!!

We are determined to fix this problem and will continue to try diffrent settings until we get it right!!!

Any feedback or info that might help our situation would be greatly appreciated!!!


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February 15, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You can freeze a ceiling fan because it's close and within flash range. And they're dark at the game because you're too far away for the flash to reach. And they're blurry because there's not enough ambient light to shoot with. So get closer and get a stronger flash.

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February 15, 2004


Jon Close
  Besides the more powerful flash, the other things needed to get the picture in low light is faster film/digital sensitivity and a faster (larger aperture) lens. On the S7000 you can adjust the ISO setting (light sensitivity) of the digital sensor. Set it to 800 and you can shoot in light 1/8 as bright as needed for ISO 100. There is a tradeoff however as resolution and noise increase at the higher ISO settings (similar to greater grain in high speed films).

The lens on the S7000 is more limiting. While at the wide angle setting you get a "fast" f/2.8 aperture, at the telephoto end (the setting most likely used when shooting your kids sports) the widest aperture is only f/8, which lets in only 1/8th the light as f/2.8. There's nothing you can do to make this lens "faster" (ie let in more light).

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February 16, 2004


Jon Close
  D'oh! My mistake, I misread the specs of this lens. It's still pretty fast at the tele-end, f/3.1 not f/8.

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February 16, 2004

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