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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 
- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery

Sizing Images

Ok, I know my memory isn't what it used to be....but I'm experiencing difficulty sizing images so the whole image shows without scrolling up and down. I've resized to 8x12 which is what I've usually used in the past, and I've also changed the long side of the image to the 1024. The image still doesn't fit on the screen. Anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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May 03, 2016

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  Addendum to above...It isn't something that just started last night. I've been pulling up some of my other other images and it's something random....I just haven't figured out what. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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May 03, 2016


Kay Beausoleil
  Teresa, I have the same problem with some sites depending on what I'm using. Desktop, laptop and iPad don't display in the same format. I use the zoom function to resize -- on Firefox, for instance, Ctrl + (or Ctl -) does the job which lets me use the given site's recommendation for upload.

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May 07, 2016

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  Thank you Kay. I'm just really puzzled, because some of my images fit just fine and some don't, and it doesn't seem to matter which camera I used to take the image.

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May 07, 2016

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