Bill Ritenour |
Viewers searching my name for gallery I want viewers to be able to search my gallery by putting in search my name Bill Ritenour, but it does not seem to be working. Help. Thanks,
Monnie Ryan |
No idea what the problem is, but I just tried searches of your name both while I was logged in and not - and nothing led me to your gallery.
- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
You signed up under William but your gallery is under Bill. If Bill is what you go by and want your friends and others you meet to be able to find you by, you will need to change that. I'm not sure how or where you can do that, but maybe someone else is - and if you can't find a way, I'd send a message through the contact us email at the bottom of every page and make the request that BP do it for you. It will take a couple of days, but it will get done :) Nikki (who found your gallery quite easily once she put William in the search)
- Val Feldman Contact Val Feldman Val Feldman's Gallery |
If you go to your Member Center then click on "My Info" and then click again on "Contact Info", up pops "Name and Contact Info". Once there, you can change your first name to Bill and "Bill" will then appear on all BP contact and communication within the BP site.
Bill Ritenour |
I changed my contact info and name to Bill Ritenour, and still cannot bring up my gallery by just puttting my name in search. I have to use a different link. Thanks to all of you who have responded with tips.
Monnie Ryan |
I just tried it again, Bill, and you popped up right away.
Bill Ritenour |
Great. Thanks!
- Val Feldman Contact Val Feldman Val Feldman's Gallery |
Me, too, Bill - you are definitely "there" as BILL! :)
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
Is Bill a troubled youth just trying to find himself?
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