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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Frank P. Luongo

How to transfer photos from Gallery to Deluxe webs

I have a gallery that has been inactive for about 10 years over to a new deluxe website?
I was swept by the digital age.
Now I have hudreds of photos stored in my computer hard drive I also want to I also want to upload.

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February 28, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hi Frank... I think I follow your question---I see 9 images in your "Basic Gallery"---if you want those displayed (and any others you'd previously uploaded to BP in the past) in your new Deluxe Gallery, you should be able to do this:

1. Go to your Basic Gallery Member Center.
2. Click the link there for "Admin Center" of your Deluxe Website.
3. Once there, click the tab near the top center for "Photos"
4. On the next screen, under "Photo Categories", click "Select & Categorize"

That should give you a searchable view into all the photos you've ever uploaded to BP under your Basic Gallery. You can then choose which to "activate" for display in your new gallery. You can also create albums/categories, to group themes, etc.

For uploading, not much has changed. There is a bulk uploader tool, and a single-image uploader as well; once uploaded, just go to your Admin Center again, to activate/categorize, etc.

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February 28, 2012

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