BetterPhoto Member |
Upload problems
Lynn R. Powers |
If the original image was cropped it will be smaller than the others. Aside from that if they were taken with the same camera, I dunno.
- Carlton Ward Contact Carlton Ward Carlton Ward's Gallery |
Save a copy of the image as a jpeg and Photoshop Cntrl+I (size) to 400x600 and re-save - this should work. My process is to process the raw image & save as .tif. Then I open the tif and resize to 800x1200 (400 x 600 will suffice) and save it again as jpg into a different folder (Better Photo pics) on my desktop and then upload the images from that folder. This way, all of my BP images are in the same place and sized for posting on the web and BP site. I keep the raw & large .tifs in their original folder for further editing if/when I feel the need to work on them. There are lots of organizational methods and I also name my images like SilverFalls_0022.tif and when I resize & save it in the Desktop folder it gets assigned an "x" (SilverFalls_0022x.jpg) to signify its a small image for posting on the web :) BTW - have you been to Silver Falls ? Cheers, Carlton
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