Yulianto Soeroso |
Yulianto Soeroso |
wow then my photo chance with red gown but with horse fals ...hacjker ! in the see shore hahaha you are wrong hacker
Yulianto Soeroso |
hahah diffrent picture again this statue B/W change the red gown haha may be if you see this photo already chang with other photo ..
- Ken Smith Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
This has happened to me as well this morning..three times, and I just deleted each photo. I will reenter my photo this afternoon. I doubt it's a hacker, but something is going on at BP site. If it impacted both of us, it probably affected others as well.
- Ken Smith Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Check out the Contest Entry page: http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/dynoGall2.php?catID=560 You'll see the same photos submitted by several people...a glitch...
Yulianto Soeroso |
yes may be that is Ken I found it is in the BP site because I try make upload in the q/ a same happen with in my entry I this if some new entry always change by that program ..may be will effect to all member in BP
Yulianto Soeroso |
hahaha it's funny some many double photo and wow this home work for Jim and staff ..we now waiting to see next
chrisbudny.com - Chris Budny Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Looks like a glitch at BP... the "posterized head" image is *MY* contest entry today, and it also appears as Joy Rector's, and Viveca Veneca's... There are several "duplicates" in the Recent Entries pages today...
Yulianto Soeroso |
yes from page 1 up tu 6 all worst hahaha maybe some small program by hacker insert in BP server and have intruction if some foto upload should be change with their random data base photo ( maybe random pick rom bp server too hihi ) maybe she work in BP server register ... I hope team found that virus or trojan , and make brigade for close the hole ...
- Carolyn M. Fletcher Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
I tried twice, deleted them both times but they are still there under somebody elses name. I emailed Jay the computer guy about 5:30 this morning CST, so he won't see it for a while, but I'm sure they will get it fixed. Meanwhile, it's FUBAR.
chrisbudny.com - Chris Budny Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Seeing how widespread the problem is (and still happening) makes me wonder if they can "fix it" so that everyone's proper entry is restored... I suspect 12/8 will become a "lost day" of entries, unless they delete all entries behind the scenes, and email everyone who made an entry to get them to re-do it later today. Surely they'll need to delete the duplicates from everyone? The "Recent Entries" screens continue to fill up with duplicate/triplicate entries appearing as the entries of several people at once.
Karen Orr |
Thanks for letting us know early about this glitch. We're working on the upload issues now. Thanks for your patience everyone. Karen
Jay Wadley |
The issue is resolved going forward. Wasn't a hacker at all, but an issue with our alternate / single image uploader. It's resolved now going forward. Very sorry for any confusion caused. Thanks,
chrisbudny.com - Chris Budny Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks, Jay---how do we get "our" photos out of any other members' galleries and/or Contest Entries?
Jay Wadley |
Good question. We're going through and removing obvious dupes caused by this today. We've removed many and will do another pass through to catch any additional ones. If you notice any, feel free to email me directly at jay (at) betterphoto.com. Thanks
chrisbudny.com - Chris Budny Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks! I see the # of dups is dropping now, from earlier morning entries...
- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Ouch -- what a lot of work for you guys! Thanks for getting right on it, Jay. Glad I stumbled on this thread early and decided to hold off on entering -- that gives you one less image to worry about LOL
Yulianto Soeroso |
yeah it;s look okay now. I don;t know what it was happen ..but now we enjoy to see the many nice photo in BP hahaha salute thank BP Team hahaa that time I try to change my password ..before I did.t kow it all memeber habe the same thing with me ..because first I thing my password hack by some one ...after saw in Dyno site oh I understand this mayby some rror in yha server hahaha thank friend and keep in touch hahaha jul
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Thanks Jay for your prompt attention and resolution of the problem and letting everyone know. UB.
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