Larry Smith |
Full Moon
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
Common question. Start at f/11, ISO 100, shutter speed 100th (or 125t,h if you don't have 100th), and raise shutter or ISO as needed while matching the correct aperture. Search "moon" in the Q&A and you'll get a bunch of stuff for it.
Larry Smith |
Thanks for the quick response Gregory, I'm going out now before the clouds come in and try it, and I will let you kow how I made out Thank you Larry
- Carlton Ward Contact Carlton Ward Carlton Ward's Gallery |
Hi Larry, I think I shot at f/11 and 1/125s at ISO100 last time and got details (Full Moon). Here is a chart as a guide because the different phases require slight adjustments :) I use my 100-400mm lens w/1.4 extender and tripod/manual focus... Lunar Photography Exposure Guide (@f/16)
Larry Smith |
Thanks, Carlton you and Gregory wre a big help, I just hop toniht clears up and try again Thanks again Larry
- Kenneth De Pree Contact Kenneth De Pree Kenneth De Pree's Gallery |
Do a Google search. Lots of good info available on the subject.
Larry Smith |
Thanks Ken I tried it there are a lot of good ideas to shoot all phases of the moon
Dan W. Dooley |
Try spot metering and meter off of the surface of the moon itself. Try a couple of test shots and if it's still too bright, reduce the exposure. If you are using other than Manaul reduce the exposure with EC by some amount you may need to experiment with. I use only manual exposure and I may reduce the exposure by a good part of, or to a whole f-stop. As the light from the moon is bright, yes, you can use a moderatly low ISO. 100 should work. My last time was at ISO 200. Shutter speed was 1/640 sec, f/8. Focal length 400mm. Handheld. I could have shot it at ISO 100 but I was handholding and wanted to keep the shutter speed up I am including an image to show that it can be done.
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