BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Janet Coffelt

Can't Save in JPEG Form

I am trying to save some images in Photoshop CS4 as JPEGs to upload. However, when I choose Save As, my only choices are: Photoshop, Cineon, Dicom, FXG, IFF Format, etc., through TIFF. I know I have done it before, but what has changed? Have I done something wrong, or do I need to change my preferences? Please help!! Thanks!

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July 21, 2011


Randy A. Myers
  Check the bit depth of the image. I don't know about CS4, but earlier versions won't let you save a 16-bit to jpg. Change the images to 8-bit and see if that fixes the problem.

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July 21, 2011


Janet Coffelt
  Yes! That worked, Thank you!

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July 21, 2011


Pat Lawrence
  Glad it solved the problem. Another common cause is that the image hasn't been flattened. No layers allowed in a jpg.

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July 26, 2011

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