BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 
- Chuck Bruton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chuck Bruton
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Key word tagging,or BP selection

I was browsing and found a category of transportation, cars, showing images of cars.

I have a large gallery of cars, but never saw one of my images listed in the pages.

What do I need to do to get them to show up.

Just wondering

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June 23, 2011


Thom Schoeller
  Chuck, It sounds like you may have been viewing one of the BP "clubs" or groups. You would need to join that specific group to see your work displayed there.

Most of the members groups on BP are really pretty quiet. Not many uploads or activity, I've seen groups I uploaded to a year ago and I'm still on the first page.

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June 26, 2011


Lynn R. Powers
  I know where you saw that as a category and what you found is a selection of photos that were entered into a monthly contest or possibly also from photo assignments from the varied courses given by BP. All the photos that fit the description are not placed here.

You cannot designate that you want it posted in this section. Your photos of cars or other transportation MUST be entered into a contest or be part of an assignment. Even the monthly winner may not be selected to be placed in this grouping. What goes in here is strictly up to Kerry Drapper(sp?) or his designate. How often do they add photos to these subsections? I don't know but most of them are from the first four years of the start of BP. Unless they find something that really stands out, and it may still be overlooked, your outstanding photo may not be selected to appear there for a year or never.

It appears to me that these sub sections are for inspiration and to inspire the new entrants creative juices to start flowing. And if it is selected I doubt that BP will notify you. However if you enter the monthly contest and receive a "Finalist" or "Photo of the day" or better you will be notified.


PS: Remember that BP promised an update to the forum two years ago to allow us to edit these messages after they have been submitted in order to make corrections in spelling or leaving out words, etc. It hasn't happened yet.

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July 04, 2011

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