How to make hair extensions look realistic
I recently did a fashion shoot for a local magazine, and the hair stylist added extensions to the model's hair. When we were doing the shoot, the extensions looked to be a perfect match for the model's hair, but in this one image, they look very synthetic (which they are). I'm looking for photoshop solutions to make the extensions match the model's real hair. Would very much appreciate any ideas! Thank you! P.S. I'm uploading three of the images, but it's the first one that I think has the most noticeable difference between hair and extensions.
Lynn R. Powers |
First I would like to say that the photos you took are beautiful as is the model. The only nit I have is on the first on where I believe that you should have kept her feet in the frame and a personal dislike is I do not feel that tilting the camera did your photo justice. As for the hair I agree. She combined two styles on one head. The long flowing wavy hair and the braided pony tail do not work well together. her hair in front and along the sides should have been pulled back over her ears smoothly on both sides. No extraneous hair hanging down on the sides except the long over her shoulder. Find another hair stylist. Or learn how to fix it in post processing which would be more difficult.
Thanks very much Lynn for the comments, and I must say I agree with you about the feet and the camera tilt, but both of those edits were requested by the person who hired me to do the shoot. As for the hair, it was supposed to be a loose braid, but the hair stylist made it too loose, and then said he couldn't come with us on location, so between the wind and the changes of clothes, etc., we ended up with a much looser braid than expected! Anyway, as I said, I really appreciate your taking the time to comment, and I'm still messing around with photoshop to try to make those extensions look more natural, although I only have one more day until we go to print! Thanks again, and all the best, Sharon
Frank Bilotta |
Yes I agree, beautiful. Because of the way the model is leaning the tilt looks great, like how it looks like she is leaning into it. Plus the hair tones are different, her real hair is a warm blond and the ext. is a cool ash type, beside the straight and curly diff. too.....Frank
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