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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

RoxAnne E. Franklin

Need help with a monitor

I hope someone answers my confusion because my head is swimming. I had a G4 Mac laptop, the monitor on it handled my photograpy very well. what I saw on the screen is what was printed by WHCC. It was perfect. However, it crashed and I didn't want to put out the money for a brand new Mac, so I purchased a Dell Studio 1737 for now. But i'm having problems with my images. WHCC has told me I need to get a nice CRT because this laptop will be almost impossible to callibrate. I have spyderpro. I only have a VGA hookup on my laptop. I have been looking for a CRT but I'm not about to spend 800 - 1200.00 for one. What should I do???
I really need help and some good suggestions. I miss my Mac G4 !!

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October 25, 2009


Meghan Gonski
  Yes different computers/laptops have different screen looks. a photo on my laptop (dell), camera (Canon) and printer all look different. My laptop screen changes which angle you look at it. It's a pain to edit photos. I'm currently looking for a better laptop/desktop...
I realize all that did not help you at all but I wanted to be able to see others answers to your question as it may help me.

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December 28, 2009


Sarah G
  Have you looked at these threads? They might be a good starting point.

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December 28, 2009


Sarah G
  Okay, little did I know that yesterday a few hours after commenting here, I would open the door to the FedEx guy for something my hubby ordered. It was my Christmas gift a little late.

That gift was an Apple Cinema 20" screen. I'd been eying the Apple Cinema since I read Richard Lynch's response in thread 34118.

I'm in a whole new world now from my old analog, "came with the desktop," 17" square screen and I LOVE IT!!! Editing is so much more user friendly. I now wonder what it would be like to have the 30", but I know that for what I do (hobby) this is enough.

...And by the way, they don't make the 20" any more, he got it used from this place:

There have to be other places on the net too, but that's where he chose to purchase from. My husband's never purchased from them before, but he seems to have done fairly well doing so.

I'm in heaven and think I'll go back to more photo editing. :)

Hope you find what you're looking for. Best wishes in your search.

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December 29, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Congrats Sarah,
Your hubby did a great job :)
The Cinema Screens & Eizo's are great monitors. I have a 24" IMAC and its such a joy working on images with that screen.
Have fun,

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December 29, 2009


Sarah G
  We were looking at IMACs. The store claimed that the new computers just out this year didn't have an option for the anti-glare. In the store you could see the ceiling lights and other background stuff depending on how you were sitting.

Hubby went to the website and couldn't find the anti-glare as an add-on there either. After going back to the store they claimed it was because the computers were just out and it wasn't an available option ... yet(?).

I know you use a darkened room for editing so glare wouldn't be an issue, but some of us aren't so lucky. The non-glare screen of the Cinema made the decision.

Carlton, I have you and Richard to thank. You have both helped me/hubby make a very good decision. :)

Your endeavors here do not go unappreciated. THANKS!!!

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December 30, 2009

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