Paul S. Fleming |
sizing photographs for submission. Members, How do I take a large file and reduce it to 72 pixels per square inch? And, then I would like to submit an image into the photo of the day. HELP!!!! Thanks, "ps"
R K Stephenson |
Depends, I suppose, to some degree on what application you use. In PhotoShop, as the next to last step (last being sharpening) I open the Image Size dialog and go down to the Resolution and set what I want (e.g., 72 for web images). Then I go back up to Height and Width and set the shortest of those two to 480 (for BP, anyway). Cheers, RK
- Ken Smith Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
RK, BP now keys on 800 pixels on the long size. So, you could set max to 800 instead of min to 480, and if your photo is 6x4 ratio, you'll get 533 on the short side, which is a slightly larger size. They may not say 800 on their instructions but it's easy to verify..just upload an image at 800 pixels on the long side and another at 480 on the low side, toggle them side by side, and you'll see the 800 one will be slightly larger.
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
480 still works best for deluxe web sites. Your resolution is probably already 72/inch when you put the image on your computer. The image size is what you change.
R K Stephenson |
Hi, Ken, Thanks for that! Been a while since I uploaded a photo to BP. =^) Cheers, RK
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