BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Steve C. Edwards

How to ues a circular polarizer filter

Many times on clear blue sky days,even
with the sun either on my right or left
side, after rotating the filter to the
darkest position, the sky comes out light blue to white on the print.
I use most of the time, Matrix Metering.
I tried exposure lock before rotating
the filter, this made no difference.
Can someone help this dumb old country

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May 09, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  It sounds like it's in your metering. I am not familiar with matrix metering but my guess is that you are metering an area that is too dark and that is causing your sky to be overexposed. It could also be that whoever is printing your shots is lightening them up too much. Can you post a sample for us to look at?

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May 13, 2002


Steve C. Edwards
Thanks Jeff for replying back.
I'll try to send a sample photo.
never done it before via computer.
Steve E.

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June 04, 2002

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