BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Gregory O. Washington


Hi there,
I have one dumb question. When uploading images for a course; where do one place the accompanying parapraph to describe the images?


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June 13, 2008


Mary Iacofano
  Hello Gregory, add the text when you upload the image. seperate the title & description with @@. Or, go to "your photos" in your member center, and type in a description for the image. dont forget to click submit on the bottom of the page.

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June 13, 2008


Richard Lynch
  Mary is can also use what has previously been referred to as the Single Image Uploader, and is now called (better title) the Alternate Image Uploader. Some people find it easier to use...the link for it is further down the page when you choose to upload images.

Richard Lynch

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June 13, 2008


David Van Camp
  Some more info...

I always use the "Alternate Image Uploader" (aka "Image Upload" on the Photos page under "Enter Into Contest") ... Not only does it give you a seperate box for description, you can also enter directly into the contest (or not, your choice).

This is also the uploader you get if you choose the "upload image option" when replying to a msg thread when you select a non-zero number of images to add.

Personally, the only time I would even consider the other (bulk) uploader is when uploading multiple images or having BP add a watermark which I *never* do (I put my own marks on prior to upload. :)

BTW, all the image file info stated in various places by BP other than supported file types is wrong:
- max image size: 720px on any edge
- 1, 72 or 10,000 pixels per inch... makes no diff what so ever
- 2.5MB max size ... I've uploaded 4.4MB & larger, no prob. Don't recomend it though! (maybe the bulk uploader enforces the 2.5MB max?)

Figured I'd note this since an instructor is watching. Who knows, BP might actually fix this misinformation some day... :D


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June 14, 2008


David Van Camp
  Oh, I should have said:
max image *display* size: 720px on any edge

If your image is larger than that, BP software will resize it down and the the result will not be as sharp as the original and colors may be muted or shifted, which tends to generate many questions & complaints in these forums.


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June 14, 2008

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