BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Anahelena Natera

Dows this montage work?

  Deco Rider
Deco Rider

Anahelena Natera

Hi guys. I just wanted to know your honest opinion regarding this set of images. Do you think that it works as a series?


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August 02, 2005


Justin G.
  Anahelana, first off, I love your name, it's really pretty. Secondly, I think the series works well. I really like it. It could be my eyes, and if someone else will piggyback on this, I think that compared to the bottom two pictures, the top one looks a tad soft. Maybe that was your intent, I'm not sure, but I think that if the top photo was a strong, crisp, and sharp as the bottom two, it would be perfect. I like it!!

Hope this helps, good luck.


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August 02, 2005

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