BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Anahelena Natera

Should I have used Grad ND?

Hi everyone. I have a couple of questions. I shot this image at the beach with an oncoming storm. The problem is that the image seems to be a little dark. Should I have used a grad ND filter? Should I have exposed for the ocean? The problem with exposing for the ocean (without the ND) is that the sky would have come out terribly over-exposed.

I'm also submitting a black and white version to see what you guys think. I would appreciate any feedback on both images.

Thanks so much.

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July 26, 2005


Anahelena Natera
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f/6.3@1/1000sec. ISO 100. Matrix metering.

Anahelena Natera

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Photoshop version.

Anahelena Natera

Here are the shots...

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July 26, 2005

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