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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Understanding what f stop to use

Right now I am flying by the seat of my pants with f stops. I have new alien bee lights, and meter with a light meter. But don't have a clue how to figure what f stop I should be shooting at. Anyone want to offer advise on knowing what f stop to use when? I bought a video but no help. I would really like to become comfortable using my lights and camera. I would like to know why I am choosing this f stop not just selecting it because someone told me.

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April 28, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Is your "meter" a hand meter with incident reading capability?
If so, you would place the meter in front of the subject, and aim the white dome back at the main light. Then fire the lights with the meter, or some other means. You would then use this meter reading on your camera.
Be sure you camera is in MANUAL mode. Keep your shutter speed constant, and be sure that it is less than the max sync speed. For studio work, I'd shoot @ 1/60 sec.
For "people" shots, I'd try to set the Alien Bees so that you can shoot between f8 to f11.
And why these f-stops you ask? They are in the middle range of your lens, and provide maximum image quality. They are also small enough to give you a little depth of field, and large enough so you don't need super powerful lights.
Any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 28, 2005


John Rhodes
  Buy and more important, read, Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure, Revised Edition" for great help with understanding exposure settings. Then shoot, shoot, shoot. Compare EXIF data on your best pictures to see what works.

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May 01, 2005

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