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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Amber D. Jones

how to get a shadow out of a portrait

I am taking flash shots with a 35mm Minlota. In each of the pictures, there is a shadow outlining the right side of the portrait(when facing picture). How do I get rid of the shadow? Is it because I am using a flash?

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April 26, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Get a bracket that will allow you to flip your flash when you go vertical. I use a Stroboframe Quick Flip (120 for MF and 350 for 35mm.) Keeping your flash above the lens will eliminate the side shadows.

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April 27, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Yes, the shadow is from the flash. I am presuming you are shooting in vertical mode, so your on-camera flash is near your left arm, which would then create a shadow on the right side of the image (or the left side of the actual person).
With your current setup there is nothing you can do about it, except avoid pictures with a wall, backdrop, or something similar behind your subject.
Personally, I would follow Kerry's advice above. The Stroboframe will eliminate your flash woes, but beware, it does create a somewhat bulky entity in your hands. Not something you may want to carry around while touring, but certainly something to use for more serious flash work.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 27, 2005

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