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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


any tips on shooting show??


i just shot my first real performance (and was lucky enough we could use flash). BUT I still had numerous problems!

1--performers move all over all the time; how can I ensure enough flash for all??

2--my best shots were done @ 1/20 sec F3.5, and if I shot faster I would lose complete illumination altogether, BUT I risked blurring; how can I ensure both focus *and* proper illumination??

i don't like using faster iso speeds (for risk of graininess).......HELP

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April 14, 2005


Jon Close
  To keep from getting the blurring/ghosting, you need to shoot at a faster shutter speed. Shooting at higher ISO is the easiest way to do this (it will also make your built-in flash more effective). If you don't shoot at higher ISO, then you need a faster (larger maximum aperture) lens.

A more powerful accessory flash is also in order. dialing in + flash exposure compensation does nothing when the flash is already at max output.

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April 14, 2005


  sorry - I used my sb800 flash. TTL BL mode in which I did all EV from (0EV ambience).

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April 14, 2005

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