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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Joshua G. Medina

Black bar on photos...

I'm knew to photography. What is it when half of the picture (top half) is covered in a black bar? Kind of looks like there is something covering the top half of the photo. Is it the camera or the settings? please help.

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April 09, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  To better help you, why not tell us what kind of a camera you've got; whether the black bar is running horizontally across the long part of the frame or vertically across the top of the horizontal; whether you were using electronic flash, and whether it seems to do this at all speeds or just some. ;>)

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April 09, 2005


Jon Close
  Most likely cause is using a flash and the shutter speed was set faster than the camera's flash sync. If no flash was used, then probably a faulty shutter curtain is sticking.

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April 10, 2005


Joshua G. Medina
  sorry. it's a canon rebel ti. uumm...slr camera. on normal horizontal pics, it runs across the top half. on pics where the camera is turned counterclockwise sideways, it's on the left side. sometimes theres an sensor on the camera to determine light I guess cuz the flash goes on and off when it wants to seems like. I was just using the normal settings, I haven't gotten into the aperture, shutter variance, etc.. sorry.

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April 12, 2005


  Does it happen on ALL the photos, with or without flash? If it does, Jon's assumption of faulty shutter curtain is very possible. There's an easy way to check if the shutter is working properly. First set the lens to manual focus (MF). Then turn the control knob to Shutter Speed Priority (Tv) and using the main dial to select 'blub' or a very low speed. Open the back of the camera and press the shutter release. The shutter curtain should be fully opened. If not, it's time for a replacement or repairment. Hope this helps.

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April 13, 2005


Joshua G. Medina
  you guys were absolutely right. when I did that and took a picture with a 30 second exposure, the shutter when halfway down (sometimes, not all the time). I had to push the shutter all the way down. kinda got stuck. if that thing is not under warranty, do you know how much something like this to get fixed would be? like a rough estimate?

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April 14, 2005

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