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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 



can anyone tell me what the proper f-stop setting would be for a silhoutte shot of a bride and groom looking at each other with the sun behind them, and the sun facing the camera. I am using a 35mm canon rebel film camera

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March 31, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  It all depends on the lighting at the time. Just meter off the sky, not the couple, and you will get your silhouette. I would suggest using a small f/stop so you can get the greatest depth of field and bracket your shots, 1 stop over and under. Then, take a meter reading off the sunset and one off the couple. Average that reading and shoot one shot at that reading and bracket 1 stop over and under. You will get varying degrees of silhouette. Choose the one or 2 you like the best.

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April 01, 2005


Manley S. Minsker
I took this one in Maui with Canon 20D set at f/10 at 1/200 sec

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April 03, 2005


Manley S. Minsker
  The picture wasn't included in my reply. See My Gallery for picture.

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April 03, 2005

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