BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Michelle B. Prince

Photo programs

Hey, I have been using Image experts as the default program for viewing all of my photos. I am having problems with the way the photos look in that program, moire and such, which does not show up anywhere else like in photoshop or when the same file is downloaded here on betterphoto. Does anyone have any suggestions of a program that I can purchase that will allow me to view and show photos in separate files. I am trying Adobe Photo Album but do not like the way the files are displayed. THe benefit of Image Experts is that I can open several photos at one time and drag pictures back and forth. I can also have the same file in more than one folder. This does not seem to be the case with Adobe Photo Album. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I shoot digital and like to display the photos on the computer for people as opposed to printing proofs.

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March 24, 2005


Laura Roth
  I'm a little bit biased, but I've always liked the functionality of ACDSee... If you do a google search for it, you can most likely find a trial version to download. It's very user friendly as far as organizing files, plus it has multiple viewing options (thumb nails, full screen, etc) and you can flip through images easily.

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March 24, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Michelle: I tested a lot of browser programs when writing my digital book, and also found ACDSee to be the best.

Try the Free Trial option.

I really did not care for the Adobe Album.

Peter Burian

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March 24, 2005


Michelle B. Prince
  Thank you both. I downloaded the trail and love it.

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March 24, 2005


Laura Roth
  Glad yo like it! : ) I have made it my purpose in life to spread the glory of ACDSee.... Hehe.

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March 25, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  You can download a trial of PS Elements 3.0 at Adobe... I love it!

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March 26, 2005

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