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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Alison B. Bickel

Portrait lighting

I am having some trouble with unwanted shadows in my portrait shots and need some advice on how to set my lighting so these do not occur. I have 3 tungsten lights, can use umbrellas on any of them. I have been setting up with a main light with the umbrella and then a light off to each side of the subject.

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March 21, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  The best way to get rid of shadows is through the use of alight tent. Your tungsten lights can be used to shine though the tent material.

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March 24, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Try moving your background farther away, and angling the lights to illuminate only the subject.
Your background will darken...since less light will be hitting it, but the shadows will scatter or fall out of frame.

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March 24, 2005


Alison B. Bickel
  Thanks, those are both very helpful. So far learning how to set up lighting has been one of the hardest things for me to figure out.

John, when you mention a light tent is that similiar to a soft box?

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March 24, 2005

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