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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

M Fussell

Why Are My Photos Fogged and Grainy?

I've had a Nikon EM for years, loved it, and it took great pics even though my skills are limited. The camera was stolen, so I replaced with same model used from an eBay seller. I took the camera on a trip to the USVI, brought 4 rolls of film with me, and purchased 4 rolls there. When I got home and had the film developed, they turned out grainy/foggy/hazy. Some rolls had all photos turn out bad, others had a few bad and others good. Was the film zapped by X-ray machines? It was in my luggage, not carry-on. Frustrating as I have few good pictures of a wonderful vacation place! Any suggestions? Could the camera be defective in some way? I used Kodak 400 ASA film and set the aperture based on the light meter in the camera viewfinder as I've always done with a Nikon. All pictures were taken in bright sun, a few at sunset. I would appreciate any help/suggestions!

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March 17, 2005


Jon Close
  I'm sorry for your loss. If you had the film in your checked luggage, it is almost certain that your problem is that was ruined by the X-rays. The X-rays used on checked luggage are much stronger than those used for carry-on and will fog all speeds of film. Never put film in checked luggage, not even in those lead bags.
Always bring your film with you in carry-on. The carry-on scanners are generally safe for film up to ISO 800. Plus, you can ask that the film be hand-inspected instead of scanned, though your request may be declined. To increase your odds of getting film hand-inspected: When you pack, take your film out of the box and plastic canisters, and put it in a clear plastic bag that you can hand to the inspectors. Include a couple of rolls of Kodak T-Max 3200 or Ilford Delta 3200 (ISO 3200 can be fogged by carry-on scanners) to force the issue.
See Kodak's Technical Bulletin - Baggage X-ray Effects on Film.

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March 18, 2005


Daniel J. Nolan
  I agree with above. Xray appears to be the culprit. I have written an article including sample photos of xray damage. See the article on my website: then under articles for details and, using lead bags to protect film.

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March 23, 2005


M Fussell
  Thanks so much for the info. I was never aware that the checked baggage scanners could ruin the film. Your links were very helpful. I was concerned it was either the camera or how I was taking the photos. Guess I'll just have to go back to St Thomas and take more photos! ;-) Maybe I'll just get them developed while I am there so there is no chance of them being ruined again!

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March 23, 2005

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