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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Jean Chang

Nikon D70 pictures always too dark

I have had my Nikon D70 for a few weeks, and I'm really frustrated. I just cannot get a decent picture unless I fix it in Photoshop. Every single picture is too dark. The histograms on all of them are all heavy on the left, with nothing at the right. I've tried auto setting as well as the other modes, and increased exposure. I use a SB600 speedlight, and you would think that at least SOME of the images would be properly exposed. I'm not taking anything fancy, just pictures of people out to dinner in a restaurant, or in a home, for example. Any advice?
Thanks in advance,
Jean Chang

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March 16, 2005


Jennifer L. Bales
  Check the setting on your camera to see if the exposure compensation is at 0 (sounds like it is set to underexpose)

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March 23, 2005


Jean Chang
Thanks for your response. No, my exposure was set to zero. In fact, I've had to bump it up in order to get a brighter shot. I've read a lot of comments on the web, and it seems that this is a common occurrence with the D70 (and maybe other models). Apparently, Nikon feels you can adjust to correct underexposing, but it is more difficult to do anything about overexposure. Well, so far, I'm not really overwhelmed with this camera. I can get some FANTASTIC shots, but most are so-so to poor. With my old Kodak DX4900, MOST were quite good, with only a few throwaways. But I'll keep trying. (After spending over $1,000, I have no choice.) :)
Thanks for the info.

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March 23, 2005


JAMK Photography

I know what you mean about the photos being too dark. Have you tried increasing the exposure compensation a bit. I've read on dpreview that others have this problem and usually keep the exposure comp at +.03 all the time.

I haven't tried it yet but have you tried changing your settings in the camera. I think there's contrast, saturation, etc settings that you can set.

I also have a DX4900 and noticed that the color of my photos are much better with that camera.

I'm going to a Nikon School next week and I'll ask the instructors about this problem. I'll let you know the outcome.

Hope that helps,

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March 26, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  I Use a D70 Jean And Dont Have That Problem I Have Heard Of Underexposure In The Program Modes Or Some Scene Modes Which I Never Use,I Mainly Shoot Aperture Priorty Mode And the Meter Is Right On If Not a Touch On The Overexposed Side In Some Scenes!Im Not Sure What Lens You Are Using? Or How Your Camera Is Set, Their Are Two Different Firmware Upgrades From Nikon But It Doesent Mention Anything About Correcting Underexposed Images I Would Think They Do This To Keep From Blowing Out The Highlights Which Cant Be Repaired Easily Learn Your Other Camera Modes Its Really Not That Hard It Does Give Good Results:-)

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March 27, 2005


Jean Chang
Thanks for the info. Yes, I always keep the exposure comp at least up to +.03, sometimes +.07. I also have to crank up the speedlight by +.07, and that's using an external SB600.

Terry, I have been using all of the shooting modes, and they all underexpose, but the good thing is that now that I'm more familiar with the camera and know that this is a problem, I compensate for it by turning up the exposure and flash.

Thanks everyone! I'll keep trying!

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March 27, 2005


  hi JAMK,

i was thinking of taking nikon's course......would love to hear what you think of it afterwards!

where are you taking it, btw?

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March 29, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Why dont you go for a triple exposure in the RAW mode. When you see the perfect shot on the computer, go back and look at it in on your LCD and thats how it should look all the time. Dont worry, the camera is stupid, you make the difference in perfect exposure

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March 29, 2005

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