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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Dale Hiestand

Raw files in Photoshop

Shooting in RAW mode on my Nikon 5700 yields files with a .nef file extension.
Photoshop 7 does not seem to recognize .NEF as a valid Photoshop document.
Is there a way to get a .NEF file into Photoshop 7 so that it can be edited and printed via Photoshop?

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March 09, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery
  I believe that native RAW file support came in Photoshop CS (ie PS 8). I remember an add-on that was available for PS7 that you could get at

Good Luck.

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March 09, 2005


Dale Hiestand
  I found several references to "Photoshop Camera Raw and JPEG 2000 plug in bundle", but didn't find the actual plug in.

However, I did find in Nikon View, (the program used for downloading camera images to the computer)a provision for loading images into Photoshop that did work.

Also, I found that .NEF files can be opened directly in Elements 2. If desired those can be saved in .PSD format and then opened in Photoshop.

Thanks for the help.

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March 15, 2005


Jennifer L. Bales
  Well, this probably doesnt help you much, but I bought an upgrade to PS CS for $170 and it will automatically take raw files... and the file browswer in CS is GREAT!!!!!!!! Worth the money!


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March 23, 2005

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