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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


why are my pics blurry

i have a nikon n80 and all my pictures are blurry. Some of the pics were gray and some had alot of red in them. Can someone please tell me what is wrong? the shutter seems very slow compared to the nikon n55 I used before. all my pictures when using the n55 were great, what can I do to learn how to use my nikon n80. The lens is a nikkor 28-100mm. I mostly take pictures of my 9 mo old and my nephews but these pictures are important to me. Please tell me what I am doing wrong.

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March 08, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Sounds like you are attempting to shoot on auto,...indoors with a slow-speed outdoor film.
The blurriness could be camera-shake,...quite common when shooting hand-held at low speeds.
The "redness" sounds like a color shift due to your incandescent lights.

You can solve both problems by using flash when indoors.

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March 08, 2005


  i am shooting in auto. the film is kodak proffessional I buy at walmart I think the speed is 400 not sure. is this considered outdoor film

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March 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  First, I would suggest you follow Bob's advice and use flash indoors. All film is considered "outdoor" film unless it is tungsten balanced film. By "outdoor", it means it is daylight balanced film. Camera flashes put out light of approximately the same color temperature as the sun so you can use daylight film indoors with flash. Are you sure the film is Kodak Professional? I have never seen professional film offered at Wal-Mart. That does not mean it is not good film. Most people do not need professional film anyway. That is why Wal-Mart does not sell it.

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March 09, 2005


  Thanks, so I should always use the flash for indoor pics? What about outdoors? The film I am using is Kodak Professional UC 400. The UC meaning Ultra Color. This is what the packaging has on it, and I buy it at Walmart. I really don't know how professional it is but the pictures from my n55 using this film was pretty good.

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March 09, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  400UC is definitely a professional film and a great one at that. I love it but my Wal-Mart doesn't carry it. In fact, they never even heard of it. Great film, especially for scenics.

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March 09, 2005

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