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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question - Daryl R. Lucarelli

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unlocking mac files?

I am a xp user with photoshop and I am trying use a Q4 laptop in a thought to maybe convert.....besudes the learning curve which will be ok...but here is my problem....I upload several of my xp burned archival cd onto the them in photoswhop cs and played with them to see if it is faster....but I can not SAVE ANY CHANGES....the mac tells me that my files are all LOCKED....AND I CAN NOT SAVE OR SAVE AS.....I TRIED TP CHANGE FROM READ TO WRITE AND READ AND TRIED TO CHANGE PERMISSION BUT NO LUCK AND I CAN NIOT GET HELP HERE FROM THE GUY TRYING TO CONVERT ME...any help appreciated. Daryl does seem to run faster while processing the files but this is not good if they will aloways be locked when b rought over to this computer. help...daryl

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March 07, 2005

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