BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

doug Nelson

Is a demonstration a public performance?

If a person is participating in a demonstration, it would seem that they want to be seen, and are part of a public statement of support or protest. Are they, then, fair game for photographers? Demonstrations, in any country, and for any purpose are fairly crawling with photographers. Can a photographer be sued for taking a recognizable image of a person making a public statement?

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March 03, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Doug, you can get sued for ANYTHING. Doesn't necessarily mean you will lose. The photos can be used for editorial purposes without any fear of losing a suit. If you try to use them for any other use, well.... The real problem is that in our litigious society, people are just looking for a reason to sue. If they had to pay all the legal costs if they lost, people would be less likely to file lawsuits.

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March 03, 2005

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