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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Robert E. Segrell Jr


I have 4 different filters for my camera but when I use a filter all I get is very blurry pictures, I think the camera might be focusing on the lens instead of the object I'm taking a picture of. I've tried cleaning the filters and different settings on the camera but nothing seems to help. Can any one help with this issue? Is there a camera setting I missing?

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March 01, 2005


  I think you have bought filters for manual focus cameras, filters are different for manual and auto focus cameras.

Check at your local camera shop, they will be able to tell you for sure. I think you can use auto focus filters on either, but manual focus filters can only go on manual focus cameras.

If you can switch your camera to manual focus, does that help? If so, I think I have answered correctly.

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March 01, 2005


Jon Close
  Only a polarizing filter has a specific type for use with autofocus cameras - Circular Polarizer v. Linear Polarizer. For all other filters there is no difference.

I can't tell from the sample whether the camera is mis-focusing, or if it is just a really bad filter. One problem in the "with filter" photo is that there is a shadow at the lower right. Something is blocking the light from the flash (the filter and adapter?). The adapter may also be blocking the camera's AF assist light, making AF difficult and unreliable in low light.

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March 02, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Robert:
It may be time to take a close look at that filter. Is it labelled a UV? Is it new? If used, did someone etch the suface, spray it with hairspray or otherwise try and make it into a soft focus filter? Could it be mislabelled as a UV when it is really something else??
Doesn't that camera model take 52mm screw-in filters? What brand of filters are these four that you have? Have you got another camera to which you can attach these filters, as another means of testing them?

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March 03, 2005

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