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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Dennis W. Mcclain

engagment announcment

what would be a good background color to shot an engagment newspaper announcmentwith

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February 28, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Dennis:
Nowadays I still see many engagement photos in the newspaper are black and white, not color. Will your image end up in black and white?
If so, it may help to consider that the space behind the subjects will end up some shade of gray. Now, whether the final image in the paper is B&W or color, I'd avoid extremes: a very black or very white background will distract viewers. You certainly want to avoid a background that is too busy, say, for example, one that is full of tree limbs, or a decorated Christmas tree, or the alternating bright and dark lines of a window blind, etc.
Opt for a background that has just a bit of texture, and if it is slightly graduated in value, say a bit darker at the top and increasingly lighter towards the bottom, so much the better.
I say this assuming you are not in possession of several hand painted canvas backdrops that are already well suited for the task, and are merely debating which color will reproduce best in black and white.
Your lighting should be diffused using umbrellas or soft boxes and have a low contrast ratio. Avoid direct flash, and keep subjects far enough away from any background that they do not cast a visible shadow onto it.
Shooting outdoors in open shade, say in a park setting, using a long telephoto lens, which can help to blur the distant trees in the background, is another approach.
Now, does this mean you are also going to shoot their wedding?

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March 01, 2005

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