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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Jessica Milligan

Shooting Action Shots - Keeping Things Sharp

I very recently moved from a Minolta 35MM SLR using film to a Canon 20D. While at a basketball tournament this weekend, I snapped about 100 pictures, and none are really that great due to blurring. I tried several different modes like action, then full mode and even moved into the scary "creative zones" with P and TV (trying to adjust speeds) and still couldn't get very crisp shots. Needless to say, I'm a little frustrated with the way my photos turned out - do I just need more practice or am I doing something wrong? How can I improve my action photos? I'm sort of in a panic mode, because I take a lot of action photos between basketball, cheerleading, and fast-pitch softball with my kids. My Minolta was great for action shots ... but I haven't quite figured out this Canon. Please help!!

Also, are there any good books out there that I should check out? I don't want to read millions of pages, but I am interested in learning more about photography and how I can get better images, etc. Thank you!!

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February 27, 2005


JAMK Photography
What was your shutter speed and type of lens? In order to minimize the blurring, you need a fast shutter speed of at least 1/500 sec or more. You need to bump up your ISO with that high shutter - especially with a poorly lit gym. Try using the Shutter Priority mode if you don't want to go manual - I think it's TV mode with Canon. Also try putting the camera on continuous focusing if you have it. Also, a fast lens might help.

PS: Try Jim Miotke's Digital Photography Unleashed DVD - it's pretty informative and you don't need to read anything. He covers action shots, panning, etc.

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February 27, 2005


Jessica Milligan
  Steve, thanks so much for the quick feedback! I will look into each item that you mentioned ... including the DVD! Also, I looked through your gallery and thought your photos were absolutely beautiful! You are a gifted photographer ... I can only hope to be as good as you someday!! Thanks again!

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February 27, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  Yeah, check the manual about a continuous focus mode. You should even be able to just hold the shutter button down halfway and move the camera around a room and watch the focus change pretty quickly as you focus on things close and far from you.
Try using the fastest lens that you have, and I would actually try setting the camera on AV mode as well as previously suggested TV. AV will let you select the largest aperture/smallest number, and that will give you the fastest shutter speed that your camera can take a good picture at. Again, try to use a higher ISO. If you need to, use a -0.5 or -1 exposure compensation, and then maybe you can correct it in Photoshop - similar to push-processing film. Hope this helps!

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February 27, 2005


Luis Curran
  Jessica - Try AI Servo on the 20D. It's best for moving action shots.

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March 01, 2005


Ron Burgis
The first thing you need to shoot in poorly lit gyms is a "FAST" lens: F2.8 or faster. The cheapest option is a 50mm (normal) f1.8 for about $100. A zoom lens with fixed apertures of f2.8 (35-70 or 80-200) will be a good investment.

A high ISO is essential for gyms (800-1600) to keep your shutter speed at least 1/125 second (for 35-70 zoom) or 1/200 second (for 80-200 zoom). This also helps keep the background from going black.

Fill flash can also help. I usually keep it -1 to -2 stops.

Sometimes none of the above works very well. Then all you can do is set your camera to the fastest shutter speed for flash, the largest aperture, and use flash and let the subject be well-lit but the background will be dark (it looks like you took the picture in the dark). Experiment with the ISO; sometimes 400 ISO with a dark background is better than 1600 ISO with a lighter background if is too grainy.

On the bright side, Baseball Season is coming soon!!!!

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March 01, 2005


Ron Burgis Editor's Pick  
Dribble Drive
Dribble Drive
Nikon 80-200mm lens @ 80mm. F2.8, 1/180 second. Fill flash (-1 stop). 1600 ASA

Enhanced in photoshop with levels.

Ron Burgis

I forgot to include this picture as an example.


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March 01, 2005

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