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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Jake Stanton

so many shutter little film.

What shutter speed do I set my camera at if im using a flash? I usually put it on 250. But when I take very very very low light pictures they come out grainey. Like the flash wasnt fast enough. Is my shutter speed incorrect or is my flash broken?


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February 22, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
You don't state what type of camera you have. I'll presume a 35mm or digital camera. These cameras all come with a FOCAL PLANE shutter, and cameras with focal plane shutters all have a maximum speed you can use. It will be designated in your instruction manual. You can use ANY shutter speed up to this maximum. Cameras with focal plane shutters have maximum flash sync speeds anywhere from 1/30 up to 1/250 sec, depending on the individual camera model. If you are shooting inside, it is advised to slow down your shutter speed a little so your film or digital sensor can absorb some ambient light. Also, use a fairly wide aperture. For indoor shots, I will shoot between 1/15 & 1/30 sec @ f5.6 - f8. These exposures allow the flash to recycle quickly, and also allow for the roomlight to build up. 1/15 sec is as slow as I can hand hold the camera without noticeable hand shake.
Pro model cameras such as many medium format and large format lenses often come with LEAF shutters, as opposed to focal plane shutters. Leaf shutters have no limit on what shutter speeds can be used with flash.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 23, 2005


Jake Stanton
  I have a Nikon Fm3a 35mm. Thanx I never thought of using a wider aperture.

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February 23, 2005

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