BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Alan T. Osterberg


If I want to use a wedding photo for display on internet or by print, do I need to get a model release for all the people in the wedding party or is the model release of just the bride and groom sufficient?

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February 22, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Theoretically, you need a model release from everyone. However, I usually just get a release from the bride and groom, especially when the main purpose I have for putting them on my website is for others to view and buy re-prints. In that respect, I am not using them for advertising or other commercial ventures.

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February 22, 2005


Alan T. Osterberg
  Thank you for the info. I always get the bride and groom to sign but wasn't sure what the protocall was for the rest of the people.

Alan O.

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February 22, 2005

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