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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How To Pan

What are the proper techiques to a good panning shot.

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February 16, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Panning takes practice to get it just right.
Two primary ingredients of a successful pan, are a slow shutter speed...(relative to the speed at which the action is going past you),...and a smooth, fluid motion and follow-through.
The objective is to maintain sharpness in the moving object, and to create a blur of implied motion in the background.

Figure in your mind what shutter speed would be required to freeze the action in place, then choose a speed two stops slower. (i.e.,...if you could freeze a bicycler going past you at 1/250 sec., you would select 1/60 second as a good speed for panning.)
Once the shutter speed has been determined and pre-set, try your best to keep the object going past you in the viewfinder,..and in focus, while you pan. (This is the part that takes practice.)
At a pre-determined point, fire the shutter and follow through with the motion until you see the object re-appear in the viewfinder.

A few points to remember:

*Some blur of the main subject will occur at slow shutter speeds when doing this hand-held. Most tripods have a panning feature, but they are seldom used.
* Try to time opening the shutter to when your subject can be captured coming INTO the frame, rather than having it dead-center or leaving it. (This too, can be improved upon with practice.)

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February 16, 2005

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