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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital output problem

I have been shooting with a Nikon D100 for the last year and am having some problems with the differences between camera image and computer image. That is to say that what I see on the camera display is way lighter than what ends up on my computer. Needless to say this is wreaking havoc with my ability to properly expose pics. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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January 30, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  First, don't ever use your camera's LCD panel as an exposure guide. Period.
As a compositional reference - ok - never as an exposure indicator.
For exposure information, use and read the D100's histogram, and just be sure you have no major clipping at either end of the scale.
If you don't know how to 'read' a histogram, contact me, and I'll walk you through it. It's really quite simple.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 01, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Well you can use the lcd to judge exposure, but the problem so many seem to be having is not realizing how the lcd show look when it's the right exposure.
Because it's so small you can still see what looks like a good enough image that's pretty far off on the underexposure side. Like film has lattitued. That's what I think all the problems with the rebel people have been having. Since the rebel was bought by so many, I've heard more about the rebel, but it seems to not be brand specific.

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February 01, 2005

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