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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Melissa A. Koch

photo clean up.

my parents 25th anniversary is coming up in feb. the person who took their photos didn't use a flash,so their pictures are really dark. you can see my parents but it dark. so my questions are:can I get them cleaned up? is there a place I can take it? iwanted to do something special for them and get the photos cleaned up?

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January 26, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Melissa:
One option is to scan the images to create digital files, then make adjustments to them using a program like Adobe Photoshop. There is a good chance the images can at least be improved. If you start asking friends and relatives about such equipment, they may even point you to someone who has an interest in this kind of work.
You should make a good faith effort to locate the photographer, though, and get his/her permission to make these newer prints, especially if the person was not merely a relative or friend, but someone hired to record the event. Copyright issues may apply in this case.
One other approach: some of the better one-hour labs, and some are better than others, will be able to make the improvements you seek. Depending on the number of images you have to choose from, though, you may prefer to select only the ones with the best expressions and/or best lighting.

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January 26, 2005


Melissa A. Koch
  thanks for the info maynard. the photo's were taken by my ucle with a regular good thing I don't have to worry about copyrights. i'll take them in.

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January 28, 2005

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