BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Kevin S. Lewis

Colour representation

  Steveston 2
Steveston 2

Kevin S. Lewis

I have run into this issue in the past and it is not limited to shots directly out of my camera. I have had this issue on scanned negs as well. I am finding that what I see on my screen is not represented the same way on everyone elses screen. I have printed some of my shots and the colours are true to what I am viewing. However, other people viewing my images from the betterphoto site or through emailed copies are seeing something that is different. Sometimes dramatically different. In the attached photo it is quite dark with soft oranges and browns with the sun setting. No bright colours. However, on another PC it is dramatically brighter showing an electric blue tarp on the bow of the closest boat (left of shot). It barely looks like a sunset too. Why is it that I can't see that or print that? Viewing my shot on a different screen really made it look bad. What could be making it so different??

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January 25, 2005


Kevin S. Lewis
  Could it be as simple as contrast or brightness adjustment of the other viewing monitor?

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January 25, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  The difference is simply in the monitors. If you print photos and they are true to what you see on the screen, then your monitor is properly calibrated. Mine is not so I will see it differently than you do.

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January 26, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  BTW, that's a beautiful photo.

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January 26, 2005


Janet L. Skinner
  Kevin, I don't know if this will solve your issue but I have experienced a real problem between my screen colors (they print correctly) and my upload image colors. What I discovered today was that if you convert your image to sRGB before you save as a .tif, then upload you should see exactly on the web what you saw on your monitor when it was Adobe RGB 1998. Of course I am assuming you use that profile as it is usually the recommended one. Don't know why this is not shared because I have been asking for months now.

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February 03, 2005


Kevin S. Lewis
  Thanks very much for the response Janet. I will definitely have to look into the profile. I have been wondering what is recommended. There are so many choices.
However, everything looks great from my perspective.

I have tested the image on about 6 different PC's and it came out the way I see it only 3 of the 6 times. I even tried different file types plus rgb, cmyk etc - all with the same results.

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February 03, 2005

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