BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 
- James Spruill

BetterPhoto Member
Contact James Spruill
James Spruill's Gallery

Loss of quality

Why do some of the pictures I submit lose focus quality? I always submit at 800x600. All are in focus when submitted but some appear degraded on my web-page. The first picture in my gallery is a good example. The border around the bird is out of focus. The original is focused in detail. It makes me look bad. I would never submit an out of focus photograph. Help,

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January 13, 2005


Vince Broesch
  You might want to check AOL internet prefs, and see that "compress images" is off. It might be that your AOL browser is compressing the image as you are viewing it off the server.


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January 14, 2005

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