BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Marilynn Strickland

How to even out exposure from flash

If you have a picture which was taken with a flash, and the foreground objects/people are much lighter than the background objects, how can you make the lighting appear even? I have PS7 and have tried using curves but I can't seem to get it just right because it lightens the parts that are already too light as well as the dark areas.

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December 26, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  you need to use the lasso with some feathering to select only areas you want to lighten.

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December 26, 2004


Marilynn Strickland
  Thank you for your suggestion, Gregory. I tried it and it works great on photos where someone is standing right in front of the camera, and everything in the background is a good distance away. I also stumbled across another method that can be used when there is a more gradual transition from bright foreground to dark background. I used quickmask and the gradient tool to create a very gradual selection from the properly-exposed area to the too-dark area. This also worked quite well. Thanks again for your response.

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December 27, 2004

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