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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Aravinda Subasinghe

Shooting Against the Sun


Aravinda Subasinghe

I shot this photo against the sun. It was sunset, but as you can see, it didn't work out the way that I wanted too. The details of the ridges and the coastline was just too dark, even though it is fixable on the computer. I want to know how to fix it when I shoot again. I am familiar with my Canon EOS 300v and know the importance of shutter speed and aperture in this situation. Please don't hesitate to criticize my technique and help me out.

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December 22, 2004


Kerry L. Walker
  Sunset at the Beach
Sunset at the Beach

Kerry L. Walker

OK, I will try to answer your question to where you can get what you want. The problem is that there is just too much difference between the light reflecting off the foreground and the light coming from the sky. You could try using a 2 stop graduated neutral density filter to eliminate some of the light from the sky and meter off the foreground. This would keep the sky from being blown out too much and would make the foreground properly lighted. The question I have is why would you want to do that? You have a very nice picture. You could use a 1 stop or 2 stop graduated ND filter, and meter off the sky, thus maintaining a beautiful silhouette with the sky being a little darker than it is. I would shoot two shots, one with the 1 stop grad. ND and one with the 2 stop filter and see which you like better. Just don't try to fight the light. You will wind up with a muddy picture that isn't as pretty as the one you have here. Silhouettes are great. You just don't want the sky too light. Take a look at the picture I have posted. The foreground is dark in it too but the sky is also darker.

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December 23, 2004

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