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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Beatriz Hickson

Photoshop - From EPS to JPEG

I am new to photoshop. I have been taking portraits and want to offer a larger range of options to my customers. I have been playing around with photoshop and have changed one of my pictures to a duotone and it looks great. I have to save it as an eps file and I am having problems having it printed at a photo lab. They cannot read the file and when I change it to a JPEG for them to read it I loose all the clarity of the picture. It looks like it was taking with a 1 pix camera when enlarged to an 8x10....I need help!!! Is it even possible to change it to a JPEG? Do I have to use a specialty photo lab to print this pictures?

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December 14, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Why are you using EPS as the file format? Do you have graphics or text included in the picture? Why not just save as a .psd format or merge the layers and save as a .tif or .jpg.

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December 14, 2004


Beatriz Hickson
  When I was working on the picture the recommended format for that was EPS. I don't have graphics or text, I just changed the color to make it look like an old picture. It does give me an option to save it as .psd, I just did not know which would be better.
A regular photo lab will be able to print a .psd file?
I will try what you said. Thanks for your help!

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December 15, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Hi Beatriz,
Not sure of the labs preferred format; but if only color adjustments were done and no vector info must be saved, you should be able to just flatten all visible layers , then merge final layer. Then save as .tif is you wish to avoid compression or save as a.jpg, but with highest quality setting available to you(least amount of compression). Prior to flattening the layers, save it as a .psd extension to preserve the layers and info for further work if necessary. Use a copy to work on when you go to flatten & merge the layers for the final image, then save as .tif preferrably. Most printers should be able to handle a .tif file, though some online printers prefer .jpg.

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December 15, 2004


  Hi Beatriz,
I was actually working with duotones last night in Photoshop (my first time)...when I went to save it, it would only let me save it as a .psd file. But when I went back and changed my mode to RGB, I was able to save as .jpg, .tif, etc....You might want to try that!

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December 15, 2004


Beatriz Hickson
  Kip and Mellanie,
I really want to thank you for your help!!! It worked :-)

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December 15, 2004

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