BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Endre Balogh

Chronic problem uploading photos to Better Photo

I have had a problem that had bedeviled me since the very first photo I've uploaded to I can't get the uploaded images to look anywhere near as sharp or as color saturated as they do on my computer. The problem is significant since a substantial loss of quality can adversely affect my chances in the photo contests, not to mention getting undeserved critiques from instructors. One of the first comments I got about a photo in Jim Zuckerman's class was how a photo of mine needed more punch. When I compare the uploaded version to the one I had in my computer, I noticed a vast difference. Now, I routinely make an upload version of each photo which consists of reducing the TIFF to the appropriate size and then bumping up the saturation about 20 points and the contrast by about 15. It's always just a guestimate. Even still, the photos come out looking mushy. I recently entered a photo in the contest that the colors all came out way too saturated so that process doesn't always work either. I asked Heather at BetterPhoto and she sent me the following e-mail advice from another member: " I have done some research, and the problem was due to my using a color space different from the one you guys use when loading photos. As near as I can tell, you use sRGB. When I converted my profile to sRGB in Photoshop before I saved the .tif versions and uploaded them in the Q&A section, they displayed correctly. The command in Photoshop CS is Image->Mode->Convert to Profile." I tried that process but it didn't produce satifsfactory results either. I'm getting increasingly frustrated because my images just aren't showing up the way they were shot. Does anyone have any advice for me? I'd really appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks. BTW, I process my photos in Photoshop CS and use a Mac G4 with OS 10.3.6

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December 07, 2004


Vince Broesch
  Are you using AOL? Someone recently had a problem with AOL browser compressing on download. If so... I think she said internet prefs - compress images - off.

Just a thought.


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December 09, 2004


Endre Balogh
  Thanks, Vince, for the thought but I don't use AOL. I have Earthlink. A long time ago I had AOL but decided it was garbage. I appreciate your attempting to help.


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December 09, 2004

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