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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Virgil Knapp

Lens question

I recently purchased a high end Sigma 70-200 Lens for my Canon EOS Digital Rebel. The lens is the "Pro" series Sigma with the LD glass and fast focusing motor. Anyway from all the reviews I read this thing is suppose to be dam close to the L series 70-200 Canon. I picked up this one as I got a really good deal on it and the L series was almost double.

My problem is it seems like all of a sudden my camera will not take sharp images with this lens. I shoot mostly action sports. Now I know the digi rebel is low end for sports but I got alot of sharp images with the L series Canon 70-200 I have rented in the past. Now I feel like I need to sell this lens and get the Canon. But everything I read on the Sigma was A+, and when you hold it and shoot with it it feels like a good lens but it just seems to not take sharp pics. And I have not just been shooting it at 2.8! Anybody have advice for me?? Is it my digital Rebel? Or this lens?


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November 13, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Might be a capatability problem if you use auto focus. May not be locking in.
Manual focus on something and see if it's clear.
Sometimes made to fit lenses don't always get the circutry right. Although it's been said several times here that if you send it back to Sigma, they'll fix it for you. And I believe without charge.
It's a licensing thing with third party lenses that they have to figure out how manufactures make their lenses, then duplicate them. And sometimes they don't get it quite right.

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November 13, 2004

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