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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

uploading with quality

When I upload a photo to the site it looks nothing like it does on my monitor at home. Can anyone help me with uploading images and keeping the pictures quality. All the comment I get are "this photo is out of focus" But they aren't. I tried to sharpen first and it looked worst then before.

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November 12, 2004


David King
  Donna, you didn't say if the apparent "sharpness" is the only issue but usually there are two possible problems. The more common has to do with color and is a result of your not having your monitor calibrated. The second may have to do with resolution. As an experiment, set one of your files to a resolution of 100 ppi instead of the usual 72 and see if it looks any better. What happens is that you may have a newer monitor that actually has a higher resolution. When you condense the image via JPEG material is lost and extrapolated, plus colors you can see on the monitor at home now are unavailable on the web (where there are only 216 (if I recall correctly) distinct colors) and so some dithering is taking place in your browser and you are seeing the effect of it.

Sharpening is a two-edged sword and the give-away of most amateur stuff is that it is over sharpened. If it really looks soft in your browser but the original on your desktop is OK, then the problem lies elsewhere.


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November 12, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  I've heard that you must be sure to have one side at 480 pixels... And as David said you don't need more than 72 dpi...

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November 12, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I don't see any difference between 480 or 500. But sharpening for an uploaded example has helped.
1.4-1.7 pixel dimension
4-7 threshold
240-270% sharpening level.
I use that just for uploading, don't use it for printing. And I do it before resizing. You can do it after but with smaller pixel dimension and sharpening level settings.

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November 12, 2004

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