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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Alvin C. Lopinot

what are circles in the background of a photograph

What are the circles found in the background of some images called? What causes them. I have heard they represent the aperture caused by some highlights.

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November 11, 2004 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
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  Hello Alvin,
with out seeing the image you are talking about I am guessing that what you are meaning is 'the circles of confussion' that is the effect caused by using a short depth of field or smaller F-stop.

The smaller the F-stop, the less distance(short DOF) in the image will be focused. the larger the F-stop, the greater(long DOF) distance in the image will be focused.

You should do some experimenting with your camera and see the effects - different lenses etc will have different effects because of focal length and such, but depth of field is a fun area to play around with.

hope that helps.

- pamela

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November 11, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Nautilus Reflections
Nautilus Reflections
Nikkor 180 mm ED, Provia 100

Bob Cammarata

Without seeing an example it's tough to pin-point what you are describing but it sounds like you are getting ghost images of your lens diaphragm, resulting from out-of-focus reflective highlights in the background.
(See enclosed example.)

A wide aperture will show circles, and when you stop-down you get hexangonal shapes.
These are not always a bad thing, and they can be used creatively.

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November 11, 2004

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