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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Shauna Linde

Matching Color in Photoshop8

I'm new to using Photoshop. I've got my husband helping me who knows the basics, but nothing really advanced so I need some help if anyone can!
I have several images that I have taken to do a panoramic with in Photoshop. I've got the images side by side, all matched up with the others, but the colors in some are off. We tried doing Match Color in the Image tab, and it would work fine for a couple of the pictures (which are mostly shades of green), but the sky, and the body of water are varying shades of blue in the others. Is there a way I can match the sky and the water without changing the colors in the rest of the pictures that match nicely?

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November 07, 2004


Shauna Linde
  No one knows huh???? Darn-- was thinking there has GOT to be a way to get the same consistency throughout the images!

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November 08, 2004


David King
  The proper answer lies in the shooting: do not filter the shots and use manual settings (or exposure and white balance lock) so that everything is absolutely the same shot-to-shot.

Failing that, the match color routine is good when the images to be matched share the same colors and only the same colors but less wonderful otherwise. There are several somewhat labor intensive workarounds you might try. For example, create a duplicate layer. In the top layer correct one area and in the bottom correct the other, then either erase through the top or use a layer mask to let you see the good part of the top layer with the good part of the bottom layer. Then flatten the image.

The problem however is that without an exact match the pan will still show the seams. you can test the exact colors in the reference frame and then match as close as possible to those with your color corrections. In the area of overlap, have each frame on a different layer and with a large soft brush set at less than full opacity, erase through to help blend the colors more smoothly.

I am assuming that the perspective and optical distorion were not a problem with the series of shots so that they all lined up perfectly...?


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November 12, 2004


Shauna Linde
Thanks for the great suggestions. I don't know what I was thinking in not doing the exposure lock. I've actually got a button that will do that for me on the camera but I've never used it! I've never heard of the white balance lock you mentioned...Usually when I do panoramics I use my old Pentax K1000 and obviously, adjust everything manually. I've only done one other panoramic on my N80 and it actually came out alright (colorwise). I will see how your suggestions work in Photoshop-- and yes, the images lined up BEAUTIFULLY- minus a slight change in color in two (of five) pictures. Darn it anyways!

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November 12, 2004

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