BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Kelly A. Rocco

Cropping and Sharpness

After I crop pix, they are not the same size as a pic before cropping. How do I make them the same size as all the other pix? Just resize, or does that just change the file size? Maybe change the canvas size? Please help. Thanks, K.R

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November 04, 2004

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Cropping a picture is like taking water out of a bucket. It used to fill a certain space and now it fills less space. If you try to fill the same size space with less water, the water is shallower and ....I can't think of the word I want...I hope you understand.

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November 04, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Hi Kelly,
What is the image's original pixel dimensions? What is the crop dimensions? Depending on the amount you crop out of the original image, when you re-size to get the that size, you lose sharpness. Your photo program will try to interpolate the pixel info as you resize, but depending on the amount you are resizing to, the quality gets worse the more you go bigger. Basically, you are having your photo program add info into the picture that wasn't there, so sometimes the quality suffers. Make sure to use bi-cubic resampling when resizing, as it tends to do a better job on photo than "nearest neighbor".

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November 05, 2004

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